Using Bongo 2.0 you can animate moving, scaling, and rotating Rhino 3D objects without exporting. Objects and viewport animations are editable in the Rhino window using simple drag and drop. Modify your objects and motion data without losing valuable time changing between programs. With Bongo 2.0, you can easily preview your animations inside Rhino, in real time, in any shading mode by scrubbing the timeline or playing the animation. Then render straight to an animation file using any Rhino renderer including wire-frame, OpenGL, render preview, render, TreeFrog, Flamingo, and Penguin.
System Requirements:
Bongo 2 requires Rhino 5.
Bongo has the same minimum system requirements as Rhino 5.
Rhino 5 for Windows runs on ordinary Windows desktop and laptop computers, with:
Note: Apple hardware is supported only with Bootcamp.
- 1 GB RAM. 8 GB or more is recommended
- DVD drive or an Internet connection for installation
- 600 MB disk space
- OpenGL 2 capable video card recommended
- No more than 63 CPU Cores.
Operating systems:
Note: Both 32- and 64-bit versions are installed on 64-bit Windows systems.
- Windows 7 or 8 - recommended
- Windows Vista
- Windows XP (32-bit only) Service Pack 3
- Service releases downloaded automatically
- License validation and product registration is simplified
Not supported:
- Linux
- Windows NT, 95, 98, ME, or 2000
- Windows XP 64-bit
- Mac OS X
- Virtualization systems on OS X such as VMWare and Parallels